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The latest diet methods

 The latest diet methods

The latest diet methods

The first method:

The diet of Nefertiti, the Pharaonic Queen of Egypt: This diet is based on eating only fruits for one day of each week, or in small doses if you feel hungry, from fresh fruit juices. , so that it does not exceed one and a half kilograms of fruit or juice, and for this reason Queen Nefertiti established the main principles of fitness in the world.

The second method:

The Chinese method for losing weight, and it is based on the following principles: 1 - Practice walking for at least an hour every day. 2- Moderation in eating. 3- Drink a cup of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning and the same in the evening.

The third method:

The diet of Eva Braun, Hitler’s wife: This method can reduce weight by 5-8 kg per month. This method depends on allocating an entire week to reduce weight, in which the woman eats fruits and some fat-free foods as follows The first day: apples, grapes, pineapple. The second day: bananas, pineapple, two apples. Day three: grapes, 200 gm french fries, 200 gm salad. Day four: pear, pineapple. 200 gm french fries, 200 gm green salad. Day five: banana, pineapple. 100 g green salad, 200. Green jam salad, two apples. Day Six: Banana, boiled egg, 200 g green salad, 300 g grilled fish, 150 g french fries, pear. This diet represents the three daily meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, during which you can eat tea, coffee, milk, carrot juice, and water (without adding sugar), with the necessity of exercising with this diet, especially light Swedish exercises, regularly. This diet is not repeated until four months have passed. At least during this period, women can maintain their fitness through moderation in regular exercise.

Fourth method:

The French diet for losing weight in a week.

Day One:

Breakfast: Ten minutes before eating, drink a cup of unsweetened fruit juice with a little brewer’s yeast dissolved in it, a light omelet, a slice of toasted bread spread with butter, and coffee with milk or tea with milk.

Lunch :

Ten minutes before eating, eat an amount of brewer’s yeast, a piece of non-fat grilled meat, a green salad, a slice of yogurt bread, or coffee with milk.


Ten minutes before dinner, eat brewer’s yeast, a mixture. Fruit juice, grilled fish topped with tomato slices, a slice of brown bread, or a boiled potato topped with chopped parsley, fruit compote sweetened with honey.

The second day:


Beer yeast ten minutes before eating, an orange, cottage cheese, a piece of toast spread with light butter, tea or coffee with milk


Yeast Beer ten minutes before eating, boiled chicken breast, green salad, and toast with light butter.


A beer 10 minutes before eating, vegetable soup, a piece of kunduz, a piece of yogurt, and coffee with milk sweetened with honey.

The third day:


Ten minutes before eating, brewer’s yeast, 1 grapefruit, a boiled egg or two, toast with butter, and coffee or tea with milk.


Before eating, brewer's yeast, tomato salad, two browned slices of lamb, a slice of bread with butter, and fruit salad with yogurt.


Before eating, beer, green salad, boiled potatoes, grilled fish with tomato slices, a piece of cantaloupe, and coffee with milk.

Day Four:


Before eating, beer yeast, grapefruit juice, yogurt with honey, a piece of toast with butter, coffee, or tea sweetened with honey.


Before eating, beer yeast, green salad, a slice of grilled veal, toast spread with butter, strawberries mixed with honey or cantaloupe, or coffee or tea with milk.


Before eating, beer yeast, Green salad with olive oil, grilled veal with sauteed vegetables, bread with fruit butter, and milk tea.

Day Five:


Ten minutes before eating, beer yeast, fruit juice, 2 boiled eggs, a slice of toast smeared with honey or butter, coffee or tea with milk.


Beer yeast, tomato sauce, chopped vegetables, a piece of grilled green beans, seasonal fruit soup, and soft coffee or tea.


Brewer's yeast, vegetable soup, grilled chicken with sauteed vegetables, a slice of toast, cantaloupe or strawberries, and coffee with milk.

Day Six:


Beer yeast ten minutes before breakfast, cottage cheese, a slice of bread with butter, coffee or tea with milk.


Beer yeast before breakfast. Lunch in ten minutes: grilled non-fat fish with slices of green salad, a slice of buttered toast, and coffee or tea with milk.


Beer yeast ten minutes before dinner, juice cocktail, lettuce, French omelet, slice of buttered bread, coffee or milk tea.

The seventh day


Beer yeast before breakfast, a slice of cold meat, a slice of bread with butter, coffee or tea with milk, grilled meat with boiled potatoes.


Cocktail, basil juice, yoghurt.


Cucumber salad with yogurt, omelet with Romano cheese, seasonal fruit, tea or coffee with milk. If someone who follows this diet feels hungry between meals, there is no harm in eating a bowl without cream, biscuits, or cottage cheese.

Method Fifth: Summer diet

During the summer period, when the heat is intense and the level of humidity rises, we find that people eat a lot of ice cream, soft water, moisturizing and refreshing drinks, and some entertainment, such as: pulp, peanuts, walnuts, roasted hazelnuts, and others. All of this leads to a natural increase in the weight of these people, making obesity clearly visible on their bodies. This diet is built on several foundations, the most important of which are: 1 - Summer fruits rich in calories, such as mango, dates, figs, bananas and dried fruits, should be avoided, as they contain large quantities. More sugar than fresh fruits. 2- You should eat a lot of apples, pears, plums, peaches, guava, cantaloupe, grapefruit and strawberries, as they contain the least amount of sugar to avoid severe headaches. 3- Completely abstain from eating pickles, hot spices, ice cream, carbonated water, hydrogenated fats, fatty foods, and fried foods. 4 - Stay away from a single-food diet, such as bananas at all times throughout the day, or eggs or meat for three meals a day. 5- Practice one type of exercise, perhaps the simplest of which is walking for an hour. 6- Three daily meals must be eaten in parallel, meaning that each meal must contain the nutrients necessary to build the body, provided that it is low in calories, meaning its caloric content ranges between 1,200 and 1,500 calories, and fatty foods must be reduced. 7- Do not abstain from sugar completely. Rather, it should only be reduced to no more than 6 teaspoons per day. Because sugar is required for the body so that its deficiency does not affect the degree of activity and vitality of the body, and also. 8- It is necessary to focus on consuming brewer’s yeast, as it contains 18 types of vitamins, especially vitamin B complex, 14 major mineral elements, and 16 acids. It can be mixed with milk or water to achieve precise bowel regulation, especially if taken in the morning on an empty stomach. 9 - Avoid stopping suddenly when exercising in the summer so that this does not lead to the conversion of muscle mass into fat. 10 - Avoid canceling the three meals, but if circumstances force you to cancel lunch, for example, it is necessary to compensate for this by eating breakfast and a balanced dinner meal, while drinking a relatively large amount of water during the day, noting that drinking a cup of water a third of an hour before eating eliminates the sensation. When hungry 19 - You must eat a meal consisting of: 70% proteins (meat - chicken - eggs). 20% vegetables, preferably boiled. 10% sugar, starches and fruits.

The sixth method: The two-meal diet

This method is based on a certain basis, which is preventing eating dinner, and this does not mean deprivation | His basic needs include non-fatty proteins, such as: red meat, white poultry meat, fish, and cottage cheese. You must also supply your body with the sugars and fatty substances it needs. In the opinion of the proponents of this method, dinner is prohibited for the following reasons: 1 - This meal leads to weight gain and loss of a slim figure. 2 - Eating dinner can lead to a loss of appetite for the next day’s breakfast, if a person overeats dinner, and the person is forced to eat some biscuits with a bottle of soda, or tea, which results in this being a reason for gluttony. Large amounts of food at lunch. 3- A relaxed dinner meal weakens a person’s immunity and will against the desire for food and the pleasure of eating its delicacies. 4- Dinner, especially if it is a heavy meal, may cause sagging, which leads to heart disease, psychological disorders, and gallstones. 5- In order to succeed in applying this diet, you must: 1- Drink a cup of ice water when the time at which you used to eat dinner approaches, as this cup will prompt you to reduce your appetite. 2- Try to practice one of your favorite hobbies, such as reading, drawing, music, chess, or even solving crossword puzzles whenever dinner time approaches, which keeps your mind occupied with dinner. 3 - When you decide to cancel dinner in implementation of the rules of this diet, if you feel that you will not be able to resist the temptation of dinner, then in this case there is nothing wrong with eating a cup of yogurt accompanied by a plate of green salad and a piece of fruit. However, if you are in the cold winter, these things can be replaced. With a hot soup plate. 4 - The number of calories in breakfast and lunch should not exceed 1,200 or at most 1,350, including what we call sabira. 5- Doing any kind of light exercise, which controls the quantities and types of food so that this exercise is appropriate for age, as it activates the muscles, creates digestive balance and works to prevent cravings for food.
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